Academic work of the department

The teaching work of the department

All types of training sessions are allocated according to the status of the teaching staff and basic education. According to the types of training sessions, a rota with necessary classrooms or laboratories shall be drawn up.

Study sessions are conducted in accordance with the schedule.

 According to the made-up schedules, current and final control of students' knowledge of all courses on the special disciplines of the department shall be carried out during the academic year.

Compliance with the schedule of classes is monitored weekly by the head of the department and the person responsible for the educational process, as well as the dean's office. The schedule of classes is posted in the department separately for teachers and students.                                                                

Class attendance records are kept in group registers and journals of teachers.

For knowledge assessment form tests, tickets are used. In the course of classes there were also conducted additional surveys, which identified the assimilation of material and preparation of the student for classes, and facilitated the process of passing the material by students in the rating control.

Planning and organization of the learning process

In order to successfully implement the goals and objectives the necessary staffing is made available. Each member of the department is assigned a specific work area for the department activities. At the same time, each teacher is personally responsible for subjects taught by him, namely for quality and providing with educational-methodical documentation, methodical materials.

Each laboratory is assigned to a responsible teacher and a training master. Regular control on all issues is carried out. Head of department conducts daily control of schedule classes with teaching staff of department. The schedule of teachers for autumn and spring semesters is made in time, where the responsible teachers, occupations are conducted in specialized lecture-rooms according to the list of disciplines.

Calculation and distribution of teaching load

The teaching staff of the department is determined at the beginning of the academic year by the head of the department in accordance with the volume of hours and the approved norms of teaching hours.

The amount of teaching load per year for:

Professor - 750 hours

Associate Professor: 800 hours.

Senior lecturer - 850 hours

Lecturer - 860 hours

The progress of the workload is periodically monitored by the head of the department.

Individual plans of teachers were approved at department meetings at the beginning of the academic year. The control of execution of individual plans is realized twice a year: in the 1st semester and at the end of the academic year and approved at the meeting of the department.

 The schedule of work of the teaching and training staff of the department, schedule of classes, workovers, consultations.

The Department has a schedule of work of the teaching staff, which includes training sessions, individual work with students, teaching-methodical work, individual sessions on science with students, LAS, consultations, scientific work of teachers.  The schedule of work of OIA in classrooms according to the schedule of classes from 8:00-16:45 h.

In case of violations, disruptions or tardiness of classes, at the meeting of the department certain disciplinary measures are taken and additional control is exercised over them. 

The timetable of work of the teachers of the department reflects the schedule of classes, time and audiences for individual consultations on disciplines, consultations for CR, CP, as well as the time and audiences for the LAS. The schedule is drawn up at the beginning of the academic year and the second half of the year.

Compliance with the schedule is controlled by the Head of the Department and the Dean of the Faculty.

Work on quality control of the educational process in the department is carried out according to the plan