Salamat Sagynbekovna Abdykalykova

Salamat Sagynbekovna Abdykalykova
senior lecturer

In 2004, she graduated from the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov. She graduated from the I. Razzakov Kyrgyz State Technical University in 2004 with a degree in "Technology of Public Catering Products".

Abdykalykova S.S. in the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov in the Department of "Technology of food catering" works since 2005, first as a lab assistant, training master (2008-2009), head of the laboratory (2009-2010 gg.). Since September 1, 2010 working as a teacher in the department of "TVET". Seniority in pedagogical work of 10 years. Total work experience 15 years.

She developed educational and methodical complexes of the taught disciplines, methodical instructions for the disciplines: "Technology of food catering" (1,25 p.l.), "Technology of production of pastry and confectionery" (4 p.l.), "Cross-cutting practice program" (2 p.l.) and methodological guidance in the Kyrgyz language "Language-tүlүk zana biologialyk activedү koshulmalary (2 p.l.)" Performs scientific reports at International scientific and technical and scientific-practical conferences. Supervises scientific research work of students. She published 4 scientific articles, 5 methodical developments. 2 patents. The patent "Method of making delicatessen meat products from yak meat" was awarded a diploma of the Kyrgyzpatent "Best Inventor" (2018).

S.S. Abdykalykova conducts classes on such disciplines as "Technology of production of public catering products", "Refrigeration technology and production of chilled and frozen products in public catering enterprises", "General principles of processing raw materials and basics of industry technology".

From 2019 to the present - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Technology for educational work. Provides at a high level the organization of distance (online) training of students, control over the organization of the educational process of students of 1-2 courses, the organization of educational work among students and teaching staff of the Faculty.

For her active work in organizing KSTU team participation in the competition "Come on, girls!" organized by the National Forum of Women of Kyrgyzstan International Women's Day, for the 3rd place in the competition was awarded the medal "Datka aiyym" of the organization.

She has gratitude from the rector (2014, 2020). She was awarded the Certificate of Honor of KSTU named after I. Razzakov, 2014.
ORCID: 0000-0001-5335-0731

Приёмная: 54-43-65

Телефон: (0707)02-83-89

Кабинет: 1/221


Гр.работы: 8:00-16:00